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“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
Love is knowing I am everything,
and between the two my life moves.” 

― Nisargadatta Maharaj

“II  Atma is the immutable Consciousness that, without effort or any change in Itself, perceives such modifications of the mind.

III  A little thinking will show that this is the principle signified by the word “I”.”

“…The gist of this verse is that the witness’s knowledge, unlike the mind’s, is unattached by change and effort. The sun shines in its own glory. Light is the sun’s very nature or being, not its function. Nor has it any idea to illuminate objects. But living beings perceive objects by the light of the sun. This makes them superimpose upon the sun the function of illuminating objects. In the same way thoughts and objects reveal themselves in consciousness. When the function of revealing is superimposed upon consciousness, it becomes the witness. As a matter of fact, consciousness shines of itself. Light or revelation is its very nature, not its function or property. It is this truth that is set forth in the above verses. When one attains to that higher witness aspect, one will come to realise that it is pure consciousness without even a tinge of witness hood.”

Excerpt from Atma Darshan, Sri Krishna Melon

“…any characteristic you come up with that seems to distinguish one  “centre of  experience” from another will be a physical characteristic. Here/there, right/left, this side of the room/that side of the room. Any dividing line is based on physical properties such as line, extension, shape, contiguity to other shapes.

Yet any shape or line is merely the interface between two colours, which are nothing more than ideas. This is the same for any characteristic. Shapes are nothing other than ideas. Not just visually but even felt shapes like the shape of an arm or coffee cup are ideas. The shape is not apart from the feeling of the shape, and the feeling is not apart from  the awareness of the feeling. It’s all awareness, all the time. This is how there are no separate physical objects. So how can there be separate experiencers?”

Greg Goode, Standing as Awareness Dialogs from Nondual Dinners

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“Be quiet. See the mind as it is. Grace action starts. Then Peace occupies your Heart. Then be still. The Grace of Self burns all your tendencies. No question or any practice is needed. You already reached the destination. That is the Source of thought. If you lose your Awareness, immediately sleep, deep sleep or thought will come. Stop just for a few seconds, see the covering, and immediately Awareness will come. Then if you question, ‘To Whom?’, and wait, the question and thought will vanish. Again we will get Peace. Then be quiet and still.

While you are in Peace, see the experiencer of that Peace or question, ‘Who is that experiencer?’. The experiencer will disappear. But it rises again and again. As and when it rises, see it with Peace and Awareness or question, ‘Who Am I?’, until it burns. When the seer or the experiencer or the questioner burns permanently – that is Jeevanmukti (Self Realization). ”

V. V. Brahmam

“One sees life from one’s point of view
my knowing, my desires, my failures, my truth
my life.

Wander away from the ME factor and watch
in wonder. ”

Stuart Schwartz

Truth Revealed No. 16

“Apart from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we?  We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.”

Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi  – The Forty Verses on Reality

“Bliss is not added to your nature it is merely revealed as your true and natural state, eternal and imperishable. The only way to be rid of your grief is to know and be the self.”

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi- Maharshi’s Gospels

“The mind will subside only by means of the enquiry ‘Who am I?’.  The thought ‘Who am I?’, destroying all other thoughts will itself be finally destroyed like the stick used to stoke the fire…..When the mind unceasingly investigates its own nature it transpires that there is no such thing as mind. The mind is merely thoughts. Of all the thoughts the thought ‘I’ is the root. Therefore the mind is only the thought ‘I’.  From where does the is ‘I’ arise? Seek for it within; it then vanishes.  This if the pursuit of wisdom.” p88

Exert from No Mind, I am the Self by David Godman.

“Just realise you are dreaming a dream you call the world and stop looking for ways out. The dream is not your problem. Your problem is that you like one part of your dream and not another. Love all or none of it and stop complaining. When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs to be done.”
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Feel the Presence within yourself.
Feel the happiness and the joy that you really are.
Feel it! You can feel it.

No matter how many so-called problems
you may appear to have,
no matter what is going on in your life, good or bad,
forget about that. It doesn’t matter.
Feel the Presence. Do not think about it – just feel it.
When you begin to think about it, you spoil it.

Allow the mind to rave on.
Do not pay a bit of attention to the mind,
whatever thoughts it brings you, whatever it tells you.
Pay no attention whatsoever to the mind.
Feel the bliss. You ARE the bliss.
There is absolutely nothing that you need
or have to become.

Do not search for enlightenment or liberation.
You’ll never find it.  There’s nowhere to look for it.
When you look with your senses, where is liberation?
Where’s freedom?
It doesn’t exist.
When you go beyond the senses,
when you pay no attention to the senses
and you go beyond them
by observing them, looking at them,
and not reacting to them,
then you find that you’ve always been in bliss.

Bliss happiness is your very nature.
You are That.

Words of Robert Adams, Silence of the Heart